Author: Derrick
Dell SmartFabric OS 10 Firmware Upgrade Process
First download the latest firmware from the Dell Digital Locker. Then extract the .tar file so you have the .bin firmware file. Please the .bin in a SFTP Server. Then SSH into the switch and run the following commands. Once the image is downloaded then install the image Keep running the show image status to…
Check Block Formatting Size for SQL Server
Ever want to quickly check to make sure you formatted that volume correctly for SQL Server with 64K Blocks. Run the following command in Powershell
“Windows NT user or group servername\Administrators not found” in MSSQL
Ran into this problem last night on a new client computer where COMPUTERNAME\Administrators wouldn’t add but changing it to BUILTIN\Administrators did the trick.
Network Policy Server (NPS) 802.1x Reason Codes Reason Code Description 0 The connection request was successfully authenticated and authorized by Network Policy Server. 1 The connection request failed due to a Network Policy Server error. 2 There are insufficient access rights to process the request. 3 The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) Access-Request message that NPS received from the network…
Remote Desktop fix when using Microsoft Account Sign-In
When setting up a new windows computer if RDP wont work you can use this command to fix it.
If your Apple TV Remote isn’t working
A few times I’ve had my Apple TV remote stop working correctly. Usually it’s with the volume up or down. Good news its only happened 2 or 3 times. Bad news its so rare I forget how to fix it. Well you have to reboot it. To do so Press and hold the TV/Control Center button and…
Certificate PFX to Cert and Key
Use the openssl commands above to convert a windows .pfx certificate into separate Certificate and Key files. You will need the password for the .pfx.
OneDrive overlay icons not showing on macOS
I’ve had this happen to me a few times as I switched over to OneDrive in Office 365 vs iCloud. If the overlay icons aren’t showing correctly sometimes you need to turn the extension on and off again. Go to system preferences then search for extensions and and click finder extensions and unselect and reselect…
Windows Server DNS TTL
Its not obvious how to change the DNS time to live on a windows dns server but its easy to change. You need to open up the DNS manager then click view and advanced. Now when you open up a record you’ll see a Time to live (TTL) in DDDDD:HH:MM:SS
Dell OS10 Switch Firmware Update Process
I regularly work with Dell PowerSwitch S41xxF-ON and S52xxF-ON series switches for both networking and iSCSI. If you have read some of my blog posts you’ll see I like to keep things updated. Here is the process I normally use. Download the firmware update from the Dell Digital Locker If needed extract .tar download so…
Fortigate How to reboot only secondary firewall in HA cluster
Note: your spare may be 1 instead of 0.