Category: Fun

  • New Desk

    Off my normally technical topics but I wanted to share about my new work desk. A Spalted Fiddleback Maple slap with live edges on the front and back the sides are smooth curved edges. I ordered a Uplift Desk frame with dual motors and the Memory Keypad. A friend I now owe a lot to…

  • Printers and Old Memories

    Printers and Old Memories

    I was cleaning out my home office and came across something I’ve kept since my first tech job back in 2003. I was fixing a badge printing machine and after lots of tinkering out spit a Windows 98 test page PRINTED ON A CARD. I wonder if the card printer is still in use. The…

  • There are four lights!

    I’m not sure what is it with tech manufacturers these days. They have to make the LED’s brighter and brighter. Below you will see four switches. The bottom two Cisco units have resonable brightness LED’s but Dell EMC went over the top with the S4100 series. They want us to know those fans are working.…