Category: Networking
Dell SmartFabric OS 10 Firmware Upgrade Process
First download the latest firmware from the Dell Digital Locker. Then extract the .tar file so you have the .bin firmware file. Please the .bin in a SFTP Server. Then SSH into the switch and run the following commands. Once the image is downloaded then install the image Keep running the show image status to…
Dell OS10 Switch Firmware Update Process
I regularly work with Dell PowerSwitch S41xxF-ON and S52xxF-ON series switches for both networking and iSCSI. If you have read some of my blog posts you’ll see I like to keep things updated. Here is the process I normally use. Download the firmware update from the Dell Digital Locker If needed extract .tar download so…
Fortigate How to reboot only secondary firewall in HA cluster
Note: your spare may be 1 instead of 0.
Stuck Cisco Firepower Deployment = How to stop it
One of my biggest frustrations with Cisco Firepower Threat Defense is when deployment gets stuck. Normally 1-3 minutes is all it takes to deploy change after making it but once you see it go back 5 or 10 you usually have a problem. Some screenshots online have hours and even hundreds of hours basically it…
Its Always DNS!!!
Wow never has there been a truer System Administrator Truth. I can’t tell you how many problems I’ve seen that end actually being caused by a DNS problem. Just last week the internet ground to a halt while I was at home on my iPad. After getting up and checking the cable modem and the…
Meraki Split Tunnel Client VPN
If you need to do split tunnel with a Meraki VPN use the following commands so Windows knows where to send the traffic. I use this often so I can do split tunnel with a client’s Meraki Client VPN. In the example is the remote network.
Replacing a Meraki Firewall
It came time to replace my Mother in Law’s old Meraki Z1 with a Z3. Like I said in Replacing a Meraki Switch this is one of the great things about Meraki. The process couldn’t be simpler. There is a link below to the Meraki documentation.
Replacing a Meraki Switch
My Meraki rep gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse to replace my Meraki MS220-8P with a new MS120-8LP. One of the things I love about Meraki is the ease of configuring hardware before it even arrives. When Meraki Hardware ships you get an email with an Order number that when you import it in…
Who do you use for upstream DNS?
There are so many good options for upstream DNS other than your internet provider I figured I would ask everyone, please post a comment below. Here are some of my favorites but its by no means an inclusive list. Wikipedia has a longer list here Public Recursive Name Server . My current favorite is…
Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Packet Flow
Early in my days of learning Cisco FTD it could be hard to get my mind around how packets were flowing and where and when they were dropped. Cisco has some good images showing the packet flow but the one below by Todd Lammle is even better. Posted with permission from the author Todd Lammle…